Exhibiting at Hawksby's 10th anniversary exhibition

*originally posted on 6th September 2022

This year I was asked to take part in my first ever exhibition as a painter. I was a little over excited because it just happened to be from a gallery I adored and had coverted for some time, Hawksby’s Gallery of Delights in Haworth, West Yorkshire.

It’s a stunning art and craft gallery in Haworth, the beautiful home of the Bronte sisters, on the stunning historic high street.

This year Hawksbys has turned ten and Claire, the ever glorious owner, popped me over an email wondering if I’d be interested in showing some of my paintings alongside some of her favourite artists to celebrate the occasion. I tried to be cool about the whole thing, and sent an email back saying '“oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, I love you, thank you so much, I love you, I love your gallery so much. oh my god, oh my god, oh my god.” I think you’ll agree I seemed totally aloof and cool, like this sort of thing happens to me every day. You’ll find I’m very professional like that.

I sent over a selection of new oil paintings, some of which are above and are still available to buy online and in person. But there are also a number of other works available in person from the gallery that aren’t online. They also have the very last of the stitched brooches I used to make and will not be making again. So they are worth looking at.

As you can see from the photos I took on a few visits the gallery is stunning in it’s own right. They have carefully selected groups of artists which reflect the uniqueness of this beautiful venue. If you are in West Yorkshire I strongly recommend a visit. While you’re in Haworth you can visit the Bronte Parsonage and a whole street of lovely, independent owned small businesses, its a perfect excuse for a day out in the countryside.

And don’t be afraid to buy as many of my paintings as you like, I honestly won’t mind at all.

You can find Hawksby’s here: www.hawksbys.co.uk
111 Main Street
West Yorkshire
BD22 8DP. UK

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